Women's Guild and Men's Club
Our close-knit, enthusiastic community, comprised of parents and parishioners, generously supports the children of Saint Stephen School. Our parents serve as leaders of the Women's Guild and Men's Club,coach CYO teams, volunteer at and attend both our fundraisers and friendrairsers, including our Family Bingo Night,​ Annual Auction, Easter Egg Hunt, and Grandparents Day. Our parents’ energy, expertise and wisdom enrich and improve the lives of our students.
Questions? Want to get involved?
Email SSWG Presidents (2024-2025)
Jamie Allen at sswgpresidentsf@gmail.com. ​​

Room Parent Directory
Please go to the Office Portal > General Resources to view the directory.

Women's Guild Forms
Women's Guild Check Request​
Women's Guild Check Deposit​
(Excel spreadsheet downloads)

Men's Club Forms
(Forms currently unavailable)
Men's Club Check Request
Men's Club Check Deposit​

Contact the Men's Club at ststephenmen@gmail.com with questions.
Signup Genius
Please sign up to volunteer at events. You can find volunteer opportunities and sign-up here.

Donworth Hall Information
Contact: Shay Inglefinger DonworthEvents@saintstephensf.org
415-681-2444 x7

Lunch Program
Questions about our lunch program can be sent to Natalie Champagne and Brad Sween at sswglunchprogram@gmail.com.
Reminder - Once the last day to order closes for the month, there can be no changes, cancellations or credits.​
Thank you for supporting The Lunch Program!